Trouble can be caused by a disgruntled ex-employee or unsatisfied customer, legal action or financial difficulties, a product recall, or a rogue executive. Handling issues can be a communication minefield. Working with experienced professionals can help.
It takes careful navigation based on long experience to understand exactly how to handle issues when they arise. No two situations are alike but, when it comes to managing the issue, most situations share one thing in common: it’s best to get out in front and start communicating clearly and honestly about the issue and the business’s plans to rectify it.
It’s not always possible to completely avoid some damage to your brand’s reputation but there are always options to minimise it. Your best bet is to partner with an experienced issues management team.
understand the potential ramifications
develop a strategy to address the issue publicly
develop a plan to rectify the cause of the issue
communicate to the media and the public, if necessary using a neutral spokesperson
manage immediate and ongoing enquiries regarding the issue
monitor the press coverage and social sentiment regarding the issue
avoid unnecessary spin-off coverage that can result when organisations handle issues badly.